William Goldberg (March 2012). Artistic Jewelry Design: Where Innovation Meets Fashion
” (…)Claudio Pino gets his inspiration for his designs from technology and the personal relationship people develop with the jewelry they wear. Pino is most known for his ring designs (pictured on the right), creating styles with stone sets that follow the movement of the wearer.(…)”, http://www.williamgoldberg.com/diamond-jewelry/jewelry-design/artistic-jewelry-design-where-innovation-meets-fashion.html
Jessica Lapidos (March 2012). Designer Daily: Claudio Pino
” (…)Claudio Pino has been intensely studying and crafting rings for decades; interpreting the interplay between ring and wearer, delving into the history of men and rings, manipulating how they play with light, and constantly proving how they are powerful. His finger adornments are sculptures with moving pieces. Glass that magnifies leaves light to follow the finger, and orbs on one spin like Gaga on Ellen. Out of Quebec, we get this fine artist, ever on a quest to make the most powerful ring.” http://fashionindie.com/designer-daily-claudio-pino/
Johanne (2012). Fashion in Motion, ” I’ve been quite taken with the works of Claudio Pino who somehow slipped through the cracks of my fashion circles despite his huge success here and around the world. Pino is an award-winning artist whose pieces are featured in the advertisement for the exhibition (pictured top). Poking around his site, I found more intricate and intriguing creations that I couldn’t resist sharing for their sheer cool factor and beauty (pictured below):”http://fashioninmotion.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/quebec-in-nyc/
Whalen, Sue (2012). And furthermore… Larger Than Life, Exhibition in Print, Interview by Sue Whalen, MAGC
Diamond Jewellery Consultants (2012). Jewelry Artists of Quebec’ Come to New York in May, March 26, 2012, ” (…) One of the featured designers, Claudio Pino, said, ”The 14 participating Québecois artists have audaciously redefined conventional approaches to jewelry design, with each artist’s viewpoint quite distinctly their own.” Pino is described as a jewelry sculpturist for which his collections attest to the grandest possibilities in jewelry making. Under high magnification using special tools to achieve minute details, every surface is embellished in a three-dimensional design to offer a complete view at an any angle.”, http://diamond-brisbane.com.au/jewelry-artists-of-quebec-come-to-new-york-in-may/
Global Partner (2012). Artisti Gioielli del Quebec Venite a New York a maggio. March 27, 2012,
” Il Aaron Faber Gallery di Manhattan ospiterà il “Innovazione e Artigianato in Metal: Artisti Gioielli di Québec” mostra dal 3 al 26 maggio con 14 artisti del Québec gioielli insieme con la loro esposizione work.The è stato creato in collaborazione con il governo del Québec ufficio a New York e SODEC, l’organo governativo del Québec che promuove la sinergia tra impresa e cultura. Uno dei designer in vetrina, Claudio Pino, ha dichiarato:” I 14 artisti partecipanti quebecchesi hanno audacemente ridefinito approcci convenzionali al design di gioielli, con punto di vista abbastanza distintamente la propria di ogni artista.” Pino è descritto come un sculpturist gioielli per le sue collezioni che testimoniano le più grandi possibilità di produzione di gioielli. In alto ingrandimento con attrezzi speciali per raggiungere i minimi dettagli, ogni superficie è impreziosita in un design tridimensionale per offrire una visione completa a qualsiasi angolazione.”, http://www.globalpartnersearch.com/blogs.php?action=show_member_post&ownerID=1961&post_id=1379230
Montserrat, Lacomba (2010). Mar de Color rosa Contemporary Jewelry, May 28, 2010, “This jeweler’s work is full of details. I would like to hold the pieces in my hands to observe their movement.”, http://montserratlacomba.blogspot.com/2010/05/claudio-pino.html
Lord of the Rings. Sobota, 18 września. (2010). “Te fascynujące małe formy rzeźbiarskie powstały w pracowni Claudio Pino.” Fot. ze strony projektanta http://blog.yes.pl/nowosci/lord-of-the-rings/
CLAUDIO PINO Непрерывный поиск,инновации и элегантность (2007), ” Клаудио Пино- ювелирный дизайнер,известный своими уникальными скульптурными кольцами. С 2000 года коллекции Пино выставяются в SOFA Нью-Йорк, SOFA Чикаго, PalmBeach3, а также международных выставках и биеннале, таких, как Чхонджу биеннале в Корее, где он получил почетное звание в 2005 году и специальный приз в 2007 году. Кроме того, работы Пино также представлены в CREA Галерее и Ноэль Guyomar’ch в Монреале, а в Денвере и в Париже.За необычные и новаторские способы,с помощью которых Клаудио Пино превращает сырье в уникальные произведения искусства,его кольца вошли в книгу Марты Ле Ван “Ювелирные изделия.1000 Колец”.http://forum.od.ua/showthread.php?t=362007&page=42
https://www.snagmetalsmith.org/category/from-snag-members/ Paco Puertas// PULP Magazine // Claudio Pino, August 9, 2012, In Editorial, LELOI. ” PACO PUERTAS VIENT ORNER DE COULEURS DENSES ET PROFONDES LA BEAUTÉ DES BIJOUX DE CLAUDIO PINO L’ENTREVUE AVEC LE CÉLÈBRE JOAILLIER PARAÎT DANS LE PULP MAGAZINE ÉDITION N.5 PRINTEMPS/ÉTÉ.” http://leloi.ca/blog/?p=4222